Finding Ourselves in the History of Expert Advice – What We Didn’t Used to Think About
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Taking another look at our obsession with parenting.
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An Interview with Andrew Solomon – the Heartbreaking Realization of Parental Love
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
The first episode of my new life as an impersonal essayist.
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A Big Change
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Saying good-bye to a transitional object.
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Did you Want to Have a Kid? And Other Impossible Questions
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
How to Live with the Truth.
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Non-Duality for President
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Can’t Zen and Feminism Just Get Along?
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The Way of the Bodhisattva: Really?
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Some Thoughts on Offering.
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The Human Way
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Finding my Seat as a Human Parent.
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Looking at Humans is Fun: An interview with Anthony Graesch
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Life at Home, according to science.
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Dealing with Feelings on the Last Day of School
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Bypass this!
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A Strange Kind of Hope at the Dawn of Father’s Day
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
A hopeful message from the primates
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Right Effort
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Daido chides me from beyond.
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Is This My Chair?
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Looking for a place to land. And finding it.
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The Treasure So Precious, There’s No Word for It:
A Conversation with Amy Chua on the Intimate Practice of Tiger Parenting
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
The Tiger Mother purrs.
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A Descent into the Dream World: Andre Dubus III on Fatherhood, Karma and Creativity
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Not Exactly Treasured, but Loved.
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She and I
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
We’re the same thing, but I am not her, and she is not me.
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Minding Our Business
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Can talking about Buddhism really help anyone?
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Letting Go
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Getting in touch with some of the basics.
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Taking the Attachment Parenting Challenge: A Week in Italy, Part 2
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
We went, we returned, let’s process.
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Taking the Attachment Parenting Challenge: A Week in Italy, Part 1
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
1,2,3…let’s go!
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Are You Happy? Considering the Lobster Within
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
A tribute to David Foster Wallace
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Mirror Mirror: A Generation of Godless Girls
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Sinking into the Body.
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It’s A Beautiful World: Kim John Payne on Simplicity Parenting
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Simplicity is even simpler than I thought.
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Something Good
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
The Sound of Music Darma
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Ding, Ding! The Middle Way Wins Again
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Taking on Amy Chua and Zen Momma.
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It’s Winter Now
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Looking at the past with a fresh eye. Again!
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Those Who Came Before
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Reflecting on my Female Ancestors
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The Bad News
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Impermanence Revisited
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Will What’s Real About Childhood Please Stand Up?
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Getting my bearings in the conditioned world.
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Why Mindful Parenting Won’t Keep You Up All Night: A Conversation with Jon Kabat Zinn
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Mindfulness! What a concept.
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Why Have Kids?
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Happiness, Schnappiness!
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Spring: A Love Poem for Azalea
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
From my month as an artist-in-residence at Byrdcliffe Artist Colony…
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The Truth: It’s Dizzying
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
What Andre Agassi and kindergarten have in common.
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A Woman’s Life
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Reflecting on life in this body.
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Touching the Depths: An Interview with Acharya, Judith Simmer Brown, on Motherhood and Practice, Part 2
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
The Tibetan view of karma and reincarnation, among other things.
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Touching the Depths: An interview with Judith Simmer Brown, Part 1
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
One Buddhist mom to another.
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My New Year’s Resolution: Putting My Kid First
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
What I learned from shape-shifting at Adam’s.
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The December Dilemma
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Jew-Bu reflections on the holiday season.
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Oh My Goddess! A Dispatch From Planet Princess
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Is it so wrong to be disgruntled with Disney?
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CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
For my teacher.
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A Mean Animal Practices the Hard Way
When help is so, totally not on the way.
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A Dream
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
The so-called reality of love and terror.
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Thirsty: Wading Through the Intoxicating Waters of Being Bad
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Why being bad has never looked so good.
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The Slow Parent Trap
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
How slow can you go?
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Picking and Choosing: Mindful Eating for Kids and Families, Part 2
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
What I learned from the experts.
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Picking and Choosing: Mindful Eating for Kids and Families, Part 1
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Talking to experts about feeding a picky eater.
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Ego, Interrupted
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Who’s more of a nobody? A bodhisattva or her mom?
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No, Get Mom
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
Taking a look at the past and what it all means: nothing?
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Love is in the Air: Let’s Play Parenting Trivia
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
It’s a quiz!
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Happy New Year
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
New Year’s reflections on domestic bliss and impermanence.
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A Detatched Look at Attachment Parenting
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
A look at the history of “attachment parenting” and how the Buddhist practice of non-attachment can help us become truly attached.
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Primordial Mirror
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
“As someone who is not always crazy about what she sees in the mirror, it can be brutal to see myself parading around in the body of a two-year old.”
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The Incredible, Disappearing Drama
CHRONOGRAM MAGAZINE – Flowers Fall: Field Notes from a Buddhist Mom’s Experimental Life
“When I gave birth to Azalea, I was very soon struck by how much I could love a person – so truly, so sincerely, so totally – and yet still struggle to manifest that love.”
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